Upadhyaya Lab

laboratory for cellular biophysics :: department of physics :: university of maryland


Mechanics of in vitro and cellular actin networks

Actin-binding proteins crosslink actin filaments into viscoelastic gels and organize them into diverse cellular structures such as bundles or meshworks. Small changes in binding energies can cause the system to switch from network dominated to bundle dominated regimes. These crosslinkers determine the length and orientational order of filaments and the inter-filament spacing, and thereby control the response of the network to external forces. Palladin is a newly identified actin crosslinking protein that is important in organizing cellular actin networks and critical for cell movements and morphology. In addition to binding actin palladin also binds other actin associated proteins such as alpha-actin and several signaling intermediaries.

Mechanical properties of actin networks: We have studied how palladin, by its ability to cross-link actin and its interaction with another actin cross-linker, alpha-actinin, determines the structure and mechanical properties of actin networks. Using a reconstituted system of composite actin networks crosslinked with palladin and alpha-actinin, we have found that these mutually interacting crosslinkers synergistically modulate network viscoelastic properties [Grooman et al., PLoS One, 2012].

Force transmission in cellular actin bundles: Cells encounter diverse forces as they move through extracellular matrix or tissues. To study how forces are transmitted through cells and groups of cells, we use magnetic tweezers to directly apply external forces to cells and measure their response by quantifying the strain changes in actin bundles called stress fibers. Local application of force leads to a global cellular response, which depends on various physical parameters of the applied force.

Lab Members Involved: Brian Grooman, Shirong Zhang

Collaborators: Otey Lab, UNC Chapel Hill

Grant/Fellowship: NSF-MCB