AMO Seminar Schedule Spring 2004

All talks are at 2:30 PM in Physics 1201. Refreshments start at 2:15 PM.

Last updated on April/26/04

Date Speaker Topic Institution
22-Jan. Francoise Legare "Femtosecond Coulomb Explosion Imaging for probing molecular structure" NRC of Canada and Universite de Sherbrooke
2-Feb.Joint QCI Julio Gea Banacloche Quantum error correction for corrrelated errors University of Arkansas
9-Feb. Joint GT Victor Flambaum Effects of varietion of fundamental constants from Big Bang to atomic clocks University of South Wales, Australia
16-Feb. Joint QCI Howard Wiseman "Quantum Measurement and Control" Griffiths University, Australia
23-Feb. Johnny Huckans Transport of a 1D Quantum-Degenerate Bose Gas in an Optical Lattice UMD
2-Mar. (note date) Joint QCI Ting Yu TBA University of Rochester
9-Mar. (note date) Joint QCI Julio Gea-Banacloche Consequences of field quantization for quantum logic: surprises and pitfalls. University of Arkansas, NIST, UMD
15-Mar. Joint QCI Gershon Kurizki Dynamical control of entanglement and decoherence : from nano - to macro- systems Weizmann Institute
22-Mar. Spring Break
5-Apr. Alipasha Vaziri Entangled Quantum States of the Orbital Angular Momentum of Light Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Vienna and NIST
12-Apr. John Howell Momentum-position entangled photons: the EPR paradox, diffractionless imaging, and large d qudit quantum information. U. Rochester
19-Apr. Juergen Gripp Applications of fast wavelength switching in optical telecommunications networks. Bell Labs
26-Apr. Chris Ekstrom What Time is it?: Clocks, Timescales, and Atomic Fountains. US Naval Observatory
3-May Open
10-May Open