Joint Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics and Quantum Coherence and Information Seminar
March 12, at 2:30 PM
Physics 1201

Momentum-position entangled photons: the EPR paradox, diffractionless imaging, and large d qudit quantum information.

John Howell

Univeristy of Rochester

Our group recently showed that we could violate the Einstein, Podolsky Rosen entanglement bound by two orders of magnitude using momentum-position entangled photons (produced in spontaneous parametric downconversion). I will show how EPR entangled photons can be used to significantly increase the depth of field beyond the classical diffraction bounds. I will report on our recent experiments. I will further discuss an experiment in which we pixelized the continuously entangled space achieving a qudit entangled space. We will soon have the ability to pixelize 1024 states of continuously entangled photons yielding enormously powerful quantum information protocols.

Contact Luis A. Orozco.