Songs before 1954

Songs after 1954

In 1954, I came to the United States.

Before I left Korea, I could handle about 2,000 Chinese characters. I can still read them and get the meaning from each character, but I cannot write too many now. Before coming to the United States, I think I stored about 2,000 musical items into my memory, and I still keep them. This was the starting point for learning more in the United States. It is always a pleasure to learn.

While I was relying on AM radios in Korea, the United States was going through the AM-to-FM technological innovation throughout the 1850s.

In addition, I could add visual effects to my listening pleasure. This means operas and ballets, but their tickets are expensive. I could solve this problem by watching TV programs and seeing the movies. In this way, I could see-and-hear Verdi's Aida, La Traviata, Puccini's La Tosca and Madam Butterfly, Mozart's Don Giovanni and Cosi Fan Tutte, and many others.

Many of the movies contain songs I always like to hear.

Carnegie Tech in Pittsburgh (1954-1958)

Elvis Preslely

Princeton (1958-1962)