Phys623: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics II
Fall 1995
Monday & Wednesday, 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Physics Building 1304

Instructor: Dr. Victor Yakovenko, Assistant Professor
Office: Physics 2314
Phone: (301)-405-6151

Office hours: Students can usually see me right after each class. You can also make an appointment to see me - I am in my office most of the time. I also encourage discussion by e-mail. If a need arises, I will allocate specific office hours.

Purpose of the course is to make you proficient in solving quantum-mechanical problems. This skill is indispensable to every physicist. In practical terms, it will help you to pass Ph. D. qualifying exam, which is devoted in half to quantum mechanics. The course given in this semester is not a second part of another course. It is oriented toward advanced students, who have certain knowledge of quantum mechanics and need to master the subject in accelerated manner.

Topics to be covered (planned):
Variational Method
WKB Approximation
Perturbation Theory
Addition of Angular Momenta
Identical Particles
Atoms and Molecules

Prerequisite topics:
Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
Simple Problems in One Dimension
Harmonic Oscillator
Angular Momentum
Hydrogen Atom


R. Shankar "Principles of Quantum Mechanics", second edition is required. It is available at the University Book Center (UBC). Theoretical reading and home exercises will be assigned from this textbook.

I also recommend, but do not require several other textbooks in which you may wish to look occasionally for a clarification or a topic missing in Shankar.

Homework will be given no less than a week in advance and will be due on Mondays. Solutions of the problems will be discussed on Wednesdays. Submission of homework ahead of deadline is encouraged. Homework can be placed in my mail box ox in room Phys 2323, sent by E-mail, or returned in the class.

Exams: There will be bi-weekly in-class exams, as well as the final exam.

Grades: You will receive points for solving problems and other activities. the points will be added within three categories: Homework, Classroom Work (in-class exams and demonstration of solutions in the class), and Final Exam. They will be normalized and added with the weight coefficients 0.3, 0.3 and 0.4, respectively. The total score will be converted to ABC grades. The systems may look complicated, but the message is simple: "Solve all assignments in time and be active in discussion".

E-mail: You are required to have an electronic mail account and use it. If you don't have one, contact Computer Science Center.

Mode of operation: No lectures will be given. Theoretical material from the textbook will be assigned for home reading. Plenty of problems will be given. Classroom time will be devoted to answering questions (on Mondays), discussing solutions of problems (on Wednesday), and in-class exams. Discussion by e-mail is also encouraged.

Active participation is required. This means that you should attempt to understand a subject or to solve a problem yourself without waiting till somebody explains it. All homework assignments will be given before any explanations of corresponding subjects. If you still do not understand something, try to formulate what is the obstacle and ask appropriate questions. The questions should be submitted to me preferably by e-mail. I may broadcast them to other students (without revealing your identity) asking to answer the questions if possible. If you know how to answer a broadcasted question, try to present the answer. I may also ask you to present a solution in the class.

Attendance of classes is not required, unless
I will try to minimize the need to come to the class by shifting communications to e-mail. Assignments and announcements can be sent and received by e-mail.

Feedback: I would appreciate your comments and suggestions about the course at any time and in any form.

Paperwork: Try to use both sides of a paper whenever possible. Try to use white paper which is recycled by the campus, unlike color paper. I advise you to get a 3-ring binder (and a hole puncher) and store there my handouts and your calculations. You may need them sometimes in the future.

Phys623 main page
Students' evaluations of the course

Last updated September 3, 1996

Home page of Victor Yakovenko