HR Cross Photo Procedures


Ministers of Hospitality

  1. There are five important points to keep in mind at every Mass:
    1. "Holy Redeemer Hospitality"
      • Greet the people with our special "Holy Redeemer Hospitality" as they enter the church.
      • Keep in mind that you are the first person they will meet here at Holy Redeemer.
      • Welcome the stranger as warmly as you would your friend!
    2. Choose three gift-bearers from the assembly before Mass begins. Indicate to the gift-bearers that they should come to the rear of the Church as the collection nears completion.
    3. Pass the collection baskets from row to row after the Intercessions; place monies and envelopes into bank bag(s) to be brought up in the Offertory Procession. The norm is that there will be only one collection at each Mass.
    4. After the collection (do NOT wait for the presider to come into the front crossing with the servers), send them, as soon as they are ready, in procession up to the front crossing near the altar steps with the bowl of unconsecrated hosts, the carafe of wine, and the bank bag (to be placed in the door slot by one of the altar servers);
    5. Be alert to the needs of the elderly or handicapped who desire to receive Communion. When you go up to receive the Body and Blood of Christ, notify the Presider or Minister of Communion at that time, that someone in the back wishes to receive. They will travel to the back to help them.
    6. Be at the front and back doors of the Worship space at the end of the Mass, wearing a smile. Hand out bulletins and bid the people farewell.
    1. Dress appropriately whenever you participate at Mass. That way you are always prepared to greet others. You are Christ to others, just as they are Christ to you.
    2. Each Mass has one dedicated volunteer team leader:
      • 5:00PM - Mr. Ed Grosskurth
      • 8:00AM - Mr. Steve Bradford
      • 10:00AM- Mr. Allan Bradford
      • 12 Noon - Mrs. Terri Brady
    3. Contact the leader, if you would like to help out at a particular Mass. THEY ARE VERY HOSPITABLE… and will be happy to hear from you!

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