University of Maryland Physics 107 - Dr. Skuja

Syllabus for Physics 107 - Fall 2004 -Professor Andris Skuja

Light, Perception, Photography and Visual Phenomena Laboratory

Course description: PHYS 107 - Light, Perception, Photography and Visual Phenomena Laboratory. Two hours of laboratory per week. Credit not applicable towards the minimum requirements for a major in physics and astronomy. Physics 107 is the laboratory that accompanies PHYS 106. Laboratory experiments include geometrical optics (lenses, cameras, eye) optical instruments (telescope, binoculars), photography, perception, color phenomena, and wave phenomena.

Co-requisite: PHYS 106.

CORE Lab Science Requirement: Lecture and Lab Courses, PHYS 106, LIGHT, PERCEPTION, PHOTOGRAPHY AND VISUAL PHENOMENA and PHYS 107, LIGHT, PERCEPTION, PHOTOGRAPHY AND VISUAL PHENOMENA LABORATORY must be taken in the same semester to count for CORE Lab Science.   PHYS 106 taken alone will NOT count as a non-lab science for CORE.

Required Text: Physics 107 Lab Manual

Meeting CORE requirements: Please note that you must also be enrolled in Physics 106 in order to receive credit for a CORE physical sciences laboratory course. This is important, so make sure that you are enrolled in both Physics 106 and Physics 107.

Instructor:  Andris Skuja

Office: Room 4329, Physics Building (code 082)
 Phone: 301-405-6059                     e-mail:

Teaching Assistants:                                                 

    Colin McCann       Office: 3109                         Phone: x56190     email:

    Almaz Mustafin     Office: 3102 (MWF only)   Phone: x51634     email:

    Jorge Ovalle          Office: 4119                         Phone: x55997     email:


Section             Time                                         Instructor                        Room    

0101                Tu 9:00am- 10:50am                 Jorge Ovalle                PHY 3214

0201                Tu 2:00pm-3:50pm                    Colin McCann             PHY 3214

0301                W 9:00am- 11:50am                  Almaz Mustafin           PHY 3214

0501                W 12:00pm- 1:50pm                  Almaz Mustafin           PHY 3214

0701                Th 10:00am- 11:50am               Jorge Ovalle                PHY 3214

0801                Th 2:00pm- 3:50pm                   Colin McCann              PHY 3214



Prelab: 2 points each 20 points total
Quizzes: 2 points each 20 points total
Lab reports: 10 points each 110 points total
TOTAL 150points


From p. 3 of the lab manual, II. Course Policies, C:
"Each of you must complete all experiments to receive a grade in the course."   Confusion has arisen because of the sentence following this quote.  The policy is that you must complete all eleven labs.

Be sure to complete all eleven labs!  Make-up labs for Experiments 1-5 will be on October 11-15.  Make-up labs for Experiments 6-11 will be on December 6-10.

- Prelabs are due when you walk into the lab.

- Quizzes are due five minutes after the start of class.

- All lab reports are due at the end of class. It is required that you personally hand the report to your instructor before leaving the classroom. Your instructor will then check off your name so that in the unlikely event that your report is lost, we have a record that you turned it in. It is your duty to make sure that your instructor has checked off your name before leaving the classroom. Late lab reports will not be accepted under any circumstances.

Lab Write-Up

            At the end of each lab period, each student must turn in a write-up of their lab work. The questions that you must answer are imbedded in the text that describes how the lab is to be done. Each of your answers must be self-contained. That is, it should not be necessary for the grader to refer to the lab manual in order to determine the question you are answering. A number or simple yes or no answer by itself is never enough to receive full credit. The text is broken up into topics, T1, T2, T3, etc. Be very careful, as you read the lab, that you find all the questions, and that you answer them fully, completely, and neatly. You should provide your own paper on which to write up the lab. Please include the experiment number, date, your own name and your lab partner's name on your write-up. For each lab, include a brief summary of your work and conclusions as the final section of your lab report. Use proper grammar and spelling.

General Advice for the lab

            Don't forget that the prelab is due when you walk in BEFORE the class begins. Classes at Maryland start right on the hour and students are expected to be in the lab when the period begins. Don't be late. You will need to complete your quiz in the first five minutes of class and then your instructor will say a little bit about the lab in the next five or ten minutes. If you miss the quiz and the introduction, then you may have to attend a later section or make up the lab. When you are working on an experiment, by all means have fun, but try to keep focused on your work as well. You have two hours to finish up and, although that leaves some time for playing and making mistakes, you'll find that it's not a lot of time.

Making up labs

            If you miss a lab, you should try to make it up the same week by going to another section. It is up to the TA to admit you to the section, subject to the availability of space. If you cannot make up a lab in the same week, then you must schedule to make up the lab during one of the two scheduled make-up times (see schedule below). It's your responsibility to ensure that your section instructor has received a copy of your make-up work.

Important Dates (preliminary)

PHYS 107 Schedule Fall 2004
Aug 30 First day of classes
Aug 30 - Sep 3 Introduction to the lab
Sep 6 - 10 Exp. 1: Camera Obscura
Sep 13 - 17 Exp. 2: Pinhole Camera
Sep 20 - 24 Exp. 3: Light: Reflection, Mirrors and Images
Sep 27 - Oct 1 Exp. 4: Light: Refraction
Oct 4 - 8 Exp. 5: Images: Shaped Surfaces, Simple Lenses
Oct 11 - 15 Make-Up Lab Week
Oct 18 - 22 Exp. 6: More Simple Lenses
Oct 25 - 29 Exp. 7: The Camera and the Human Eye
Nov 1 - 5 Exp. 8: Polarized Light and Birefringence
Nov 8 - 12 Exp. 9: Light: Interference
Nov 15 - 19 Exp. 10: Light: Diffraction
Nov 22 - 26 Thanksgiving week (no lab)
Nov 29 - Dec 3 Exp. 11: Diffraction Gratings, Color and Holography
Dec 6 - 10 Make-Up Lab Week
Dec 13 - 17 Exam Week (No labs)
Dec 10 Last Day of Classes


Last Updated on 9/10/04