AMO Seminar September 20, at 2:30 PM, Physics 1201

"Nanotechnology with Atom Optics"

Jabez McClelland


Atom optics involves manipulating beams of neutral atoms in ways similar to light optics. Focusing, reflecting, and diffracting of atom beams can all be achieved via elements that act as lenses, mirrors, and beamsplitters. Laser light, resonant with a transition in the atom being manipulated, often plays a central role in realizations of atom optics. I will talk about experiments we have been doing that put atom optics to use for applications in nanotechnology. In particular, I will discuss how a laser standing wave can be used to focus chromium atoms into nm-scale lines and dots as they deposit on a surface, and also how a magneto-optical trap can be used to deliver atoms deterministically, one at a time, with 99% certainty.

Contact: Luis A. Orozco.